
Artist:Official Hige Dandism(Official髭男dism)
Songname: 50%

Official Hige Dandism,renowned for their emotive and resonant music,has unveiled their latest single,”50%.”This track is not just a song;it’s a statement on the current state of living,encapsulating the ethos of striving without overexertion.As the theme song for the live-action adaptation of”Cells at Work!”,”50%”is set to resonate with audiences who seek a more balanced approach to life amidst the relentless pace of modern existence.

Lyrical Depth and Message

The lyrics of”50%”delve into the idea of living life at a sustainable pace,suggesting that it’s not always necessary to give one’s all.Instead,the song encourages listeners to maintain a 50%effort in daily life,reserving full capacity for moments that truly matter.This message is a gentle reminder to avoid the pitfalls of constant overdrive and to find a more harmonious way of living.The song’s lyrics,”Let’s try to live without regrets,in a way that we can be proud of ourselves,”echo the band’s desire to inspire a healthier,more mindful lifestyle.

The Impact of”50%”and Its Role in”Cells at Work!”

“50%”is more than just a soundtrack;it’s a narrative that parallels the story of”Cells at Work!”The movie,which personifies cells battling to keep the body healthy,finds a fitting voice in Official Hige Dandism’s new song.The melody and lyrics capture the essence of the cells’tireless efforts and the underlying message of perseverance in the face of adversity.Released on December 13,2024,”50%”is poised to become an anthem for those seeking a more measured and fulfilling life journey.
In conclusion,Official Hige Dandism’s”50%”is a timely reminder of the importance of balance in a world that often demands our absolute best at all times.Through their music,the band offers a refreshing perspective on living life to the fullest,but on our own terms.

Lyrics Translation

Original (歌詞) Translation
1 後悔のないように 誰かに誇れるように 生きてみようだなんて 1 Let us live so that we can be proud of somebody
2 奮い立つのは良いけど 2 Good luck
3 ストレスがあっても 耐え抜く事こそが美学だなんて言うなら 3 It is aesthetics to withstand even if there is stress
4 ここでひと息つこう 4 Let’s take a breath here
5 5
6 競争の義務はない リングもコースもない 6 There is no ring or course without competition
7 だからこそ手にする幸せもあるんだろう 7 That’s why I have some happiness
8 8
9 [50]パーで生きたいのにね [100]じゃなきゃダメなんて 9 I want to live at 50%. I can’t live without 100%.
10 Oh いつ教わったんだっけ?と 10 Oh when did you teach? And
11 我に返って 割とすぐにまた間違えてを繰り返して すり減るまで 11 Return to me and repeat the mistakes again
12 灰になるまで 悪かねえ なわけがねえ! 12 Don’t be so bad until it becomes ash!
13 13
14 泡と消えたスローライフ 滑り込んだ休日に 誰かの輝いてる姿に 14 Foam and disappeared life
15 勝手に焦り悔やみ 現状に苛立ち 眠れぬまま朝になる 昼夜逆転が癖になる 15 The day and night reversal becomes a habit
16 立ち止まってる場合じゃないと重い腰を動かし 16 Move your heavy hip
17 身の丈に合わない速度のトレッドミルに乗っかり 17 Treadmill
18 転び 風邪ひき 自己管理も出来ない自分に 18 I can’t manage myself
19 何を成し遂げられると言うのだろう? 19 What can be accomplished?
20 なんて言わない! あまり病まないように よーいドン!もゴールもない 20 Don’t say! Don’t be so sick! No goal
21 記録もない人生も愛したい 21 I want to love life without record
22 とはいえ現代社会しゃあない 22 However, modern society is not good
23 生きてくためにやらないわけにいかない時はせめて 23 If you don’t want to live
24 [80]パーくらいを上限にしよう もう負けとかどうでもいいよ 24 [80] let’s put the upper limit
25 自分のやりたい事だけ永く続けたい! 25 I want to continue the thing that I want to do forever.
26 26
27 競争の義務はない リングもコースもない 27 There is no ring or course without competition
28 だからこそ手にする幸せもあるんだろう 28 That’s why I have some happiness
29 29
30 [50]パーで生きたいのにね [100]じゃなきゃダメなんて 30 I want to live at 50%. I can’t live without 100%.
31 Oh いつ教わったんだっけ?と 31 Oh when did you teach? And
32 我に返って 割とすぐにまた間違えてを繰り返して すり減るまで 32 Return to me and repeat the mistakes again
33 灰になるまで なぜかねえ 33 Why don’t you come to ashes
34 34
35 ってかきっと背負い込み過ぎていない? でも下ろしたいわけじゃない? 35 I’m sure I’m too much back on my back? But don’t you want to drop it?
36 自分の身体への問いかけを忘れてはいけない そう言う事みたい 36 Don’t forget to ask questions about your body
37 心の肩こりを緩めたならさあ Oh 37 If you loose your shoulders
38 改めて今日から俺らは50%定位置で! 38 Today we are 50% fixed!
39 39
40 ホルモン腸脳関係 ジャンク疲れの自律神経 労って熱いハグで 40 Hormone gut relationship
41 全体気をつけんで 41 Be careful
42 休んで備えて ここぞでだけで 放って君の[100]%!!! 42 Let’s rest and prepare for your [100]%.
43 43
44 [50]パーで生きたいのにね [100]じゃなきゃダメなんて 44 I want to live at 50%. I can’t live without 100%.
45 Oh いつ教わったんだっけ?と 45 Oh when did you teach? And
46 我に返って 割とすぐにまた間違えてを繰り返して すり減るまで 46 Return to me and repeat the mistakes again
47 灰になるまで なぜかねえ 47 Why don’t you come to ashes
48 48
49 ってかきっと背負い込み過ぎていない? でも下ろしたいわけじゃない? 49 I’m sure I’m too much back on my back? But don’t you want to drop it?
50 自分の身体への問いかけを忘れてはいけない そう言う事みたい 50 Don’t forget to ask questions about your body
51 心の肩こりを緩めたならさあ Oh 51 If you loose your shoulders
52 改めて今日から俺らは50%定位置で! 52 Today we are 50% fixed!


Official Hige Dandism – 50% lyrics express a desire to live life without excessive pressure and competition. They emphasize the importance of finding happiness at one’s own pace, rather than striving for perfection or societal expectations. The singer reflects on the stress of modern life, the need for self-care, and the importance of being content with a balanced approach, aiming for a “50%” effort rather than an all-or-nothing mentality.


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