Artist:Takane no Nadeshiko(高嶺のなでしこ)
Songname: I’M YOUR IDOL
Takane no Nadeshiko’s new song “I’M YOUR IDOL” is their upcoming second single, scheduled for release on December 11, 2024. This single is a two-sided release, featuring “I’M YOUR IDOL” and “Adrenaline Game” which showcase different themes. “I’M YOUR IDOL” is a vibrant idol-style song, while “Adrenaline Game” is a fast-paced rock-style track with a “fanning” (or interactive) section during the interlude, allowing for audience participation during live performances to create a more lively atmosphere.
“Adrenaline Game” has also been chosen as the ending theme for the Fuji Television series “Escape the Great Mission.” The anime depicts a future world where humans have migrated to the moon, and “Escape the Great Mission” is an entertainment survival game popular in the lunar colonies. In the game, escapees are released within a restricted area, and as long as they are not captured by the tracking robots “Hunters” before the time runs out, they can win a large sum of money.
The new single “I’M YOUR IDOL / Adrenaline Game” will be released in five different formats, including Special Edition A, Special Edition B, First Press Limited Edition A, First Press Limited Edition B, and Takaneko Edition. The Special Editions will include a CD, a special booklet, and trading cards, while the First Press Limited Editions will include a CD and DVD. The Takaneko Edition showcases Takane no Nadeshiko’s “dream world,” a non-realistic magical utopia called “CLASSIC UTOPIA” that they guide their fans into.
The release of this single will undoubtedly bring more anticipation and excitement to the fans of Takane no Nadeshiko.
Lyrics Translation
Original (歌詞) | Translation | ||
1 | 一つの歌声じゃダメだった | 1 | It was not good for one singing |
2 | 一つの歌声が寄り添った | 2 | A singing voice clung to me |
3 | 僕らは非力で無力かもしれない | 3 | We might be helpless and helpless |
4 | それでも歌おう世界に さあ | 4 | Come to the world to sing still |
5 | 手を取れ 弱さだって愛せる | 5 | I can trust my weakness |
6 | 失敗 痛みだって愛せる | 6 | I love you |
7 | 7 | ||
8 | 僕らの想いは重なり歌となる | 8 | Our thoughts become overlapping songs |
9 | 誰かの心を灯せるように | 9 | To make someone’s heart shine |
10 | 休んだっていい | 10 | Good rest |
11 | 寄り道したっていい | 11 | You may as well go |
12 | 涙見せたっていい | 12 | You may show me tears |
13 | 我慢しなくていい | 13 | I don’t have to stand |
14 | 大丈夫だよ そばにいるよ | 14 | It’s all right |
15 | 君へのファンファーレ | 15 | Fanfare for you |
16 | 苦しみも | 16 | Suffering |
17 | 悲しみも | 17 | Grief |
18 | 寂しさも | 18 | Loneliness |
19 | 任せて | 19 | Leave |
20 | 20 | ||
21 | 世界飾る愛のファンタジー | 21 | Fantasy of love |
22 | 言葉国境も越えて | 22 | Beyond the word border |
23 | 魂揺らすハーモニー | 23 | Harmony of soul |
24 | 握れタクト 君のストーリー | 24 | Hold your story |
25 | 五線譜で踊り出す | 25 | To dance in line |
26 | 無限大のメロディー | 26 | Infinity melody |
27 | フィナーレ迎えはしない | 27 | Finale |
28 | 幸せが溢れる今 | 28 | Happiness overflow now |
29 | きっと続く | 29 | Surely follow |
30 | 30 | ||
31 | 一人じゃ逆境に負けてた | 31 | I lost myself in adversity |
32 | 一人じゃ感情も捨ててた | 32 | I gave up my feelings |
33 | 僕らは埋め合い輝くことを知る | 33 | We know how to fill and shine |
34 | だからさ 歌おう世界に ほら | 34 | And to the world to sing |
35 | ぶつかる熱意だって持ってる | 35 | Do you have the enthusiasm to hit |
36 | 折れないハートだって持ってる | 36 | I have a heart that doesn’t break |
37 | 37 | ||
38 | 僕らの願いは膨らみ夢となる | 38 | Our wish is a dream |
39 | 誰かの心を灯せるように | 39 | To make someone’s heart shine |
40 | 転んだっていい | 40 | You may fall |
41 | 傷ができたっていい | 41 | It is good to get hurt |
42 | 這いつくばっていい | 42 | Crawl up |
43 | やり直せばいい | 43 | Redo |
44 | 大丈夫だよ 味方なんだよ | 44 | It’s all right now |
45 | 君へのファンファーレ | 45 | Fanfare for you |
46 | 楽しみも | 46 | Fun too |
47 | 喜びも | 47 | Joy |
48 | 幸せも | 48 | Happiness |
49 | 任せて | 49 | Leave |
50 | 50 | ||
51 | 世界駆ける愛のコンチェルト | 51 | Concerto for love |
52 | 君の花 照らし出す | 52 | Light your flowers |
53 | 太陽のパレード | 53 | A parade of sun |
54 | 握れタクト 君のストーリー | 54 | Hold your story |
55 | 自由な音符はしゃぐ | 55 | Free notes |
56 | 心奪うメロディ | 56 | Melody heart |
57 | フィナーレ迎えはしない | 57 | Finale |
58 | 美しすぎる世界は | 58 | Beauty is too beautiful |
59 | 君のものだ | 59 | Yours |
60 | 人生という旅で | 60 | In the journey of life |
61 | 出会う この奇跡 | 61 | Discover this miracle |
62 | 泣いてしまうくらい | 62 | About crying |
63 | 君を愛してる | 63 | I love you |
64 | 64 | ||
65 | 世界飾る愛のファンタジー | 65 | Fantasy of love |
66 | 言葉国境も越えて | 66 | Beyond the word border |
67 | 魂揺らすハーモニー | 67 | Harmony of soul |
68 | 握れタクト 君のストーリー | 68 | Hold your story |
69 | 五線譜で踊り出す | 69 | To dance in line |
70 | 無限大のメロディー | 70 | Infinity melody |
71 | フィナーレ迎えはしない | 71 | Finale |
72 | 君の胸に刻まれて | 72 | Engraved on your chest |
73 | 人から人へ繋がる | 73 | To connect to someone |
74 | 幸せが溢れる今 | 74 | Happiness overflow now |
75 | 永久に続く | 75 | Lasting forever |
Takane no Nadeshiko – I’M YOUR IDOL lyrics are about unity through song, embracing vulnerability, and the power of love and music to inspire and uplift. They convey a message of support, resilience, and the continuous journey of life filled with both challenges and joy.